The Library and Knowledge Services for NHS Ambulance Services in England is a project lead by NHS Workforce, Training and Education (NHS WT&E) and the National Education Network for Ambulance Services (NENAS). Participating Ambulance Services are:
The library is led by the Librarian, Matt Holland who is based in the North West of England. The overall supervision of the service is provided by a Steering Group including colleagues from NHS healthcare libraries, Health Education England (HEE) and the National Education Network for Ambulance Services (NENAS).
There is a strategy in place to establish and develop the service over three years. Any questions about the service can be directed to Matt Holland in the first instance.
The library service encourages users to make use of local access agreements for NHS staff where they exist with healthcare libraries and higher education institutions. If colleagues wish to signpost arrangements or request support with ambulance related enquiries please do get in touch.