Get in touch with the library if you would like some one to one support with searching. We can talk via Skype or if you prefer via eMail of by phone.
Learn how to search or refresh your skills using these resources:
The Information Skills: Searching guide has been written by LKS ASE for paramedics. It takes you through the search process from preparation to final search. The guide uses examples form MEDLINE and CINAHL full text databases. These databases are available to LKS ASE users who have an NHS OpenAthens account.
The STEPS modules are written for anyone doing a literature search on a health-related topic. They are aimed at novice searchers or for more experienced searchers who would like a refresher. The modules are delivered via eLfH - eLearning for Health. You can just review the modules or enroll with an NHS Open Athens Account to record your completion of the course.