Managing your identify means using one of a few web based systems to create an alpha numeric tag that uniquely identifies you. This tag links your biographical data to your publications. The benefit toyouof identity software is that your can maintain your information in one place and share that data with other systems without having to input it each time it is needed, just by giving your tag or unique ID. For example:
publishers can drawn down your data for their article submission and publication systems;
your data can be shared with university repositories, research funders online application systems and research assessment systems;
these systems can feed back to your profile enhanced bibliographic data when you publish anything or aresuccessful in a research application.
Which system should you use?
ORCID This system works with major publisher and academic systems and it's easy to register. You get an ORCiD, privatepage and control over what data is exchanged and is seen on your public profile. See example [ ].
Scopus ID Scopus ID which is preassignedby Scopus to published authors. You can't self register. See and example here [ ]. Your are able to correct and update the information attached to your Scopus ID, by contacting Scopus with Updates.