The library has access to the core journals in paramedicine. Click on the links below to see individual journals. You will need your NHS OpenAthens account. Some content is Open Access. This means you can see the content without logging in.
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
What if I can’t get a copy of a journal article?
If you want a copy of a journal article but can’t access the full text with your NHS OpenAthens account you can request a copy by completing the Request an Article form.
How do I find journal articles?
You have a number of options. You can sign up for the libraries Current Awareness Service to receive updates of the latest journal articles each month. You can sign up to receive eMail Alerts of the latest Table of Contents from key journals such as the Journal of Paramedic Practice on the journal's website. You can search for articles on particular topics using databases such as CINAHL.
The Journals A - Z lists all the journals in medicine and associated subjects you can access using your NHS OpenAthens account.
The Journal of Paramedic Practice archive, excluding the last 12 months, is a great resource. It's easy to use, See this short video to get you started.