Use scholarly and professional journals to find up-to-date information on a topic. Scholarly journals typically report original research, articles are reviewed by experts (peer-reviewed) and they adhere to high standards of quality and conformity to accepted research practice. Professional journals report news of professional interest and professional practice.
The core set of journals relevant to Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response are listed here. For some journals, access to partial full text is provided through NICE Evidence Search - Journals - A-Z list. Click through and search for the journal title. Some titles are available as Open Access, which means you can click straight through and see the full text. No User Name or Password required. Individual articles in all these journals can be requested through LKS ASE Request and Article Service. See also Databases.
Disaster and Military Medicine [ Open Access ]
Disaster Health [ Homepage / Some Open Access / Ceased 2017 ]
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness [ Homepage / Some Open Access ]
Disaster Prevention and Management [ Homepage / Evidence Search ]
Disasters [ Homepage ]
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment [ Homepage ]
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction [ Homepage ]
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science [ Open Access ]
International Journal of Emergency Management [ Homepage ]
International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management [ Homepage ]
Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Planning [ Homepage ]
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management [ Homepage ]
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management [ Homepage ]
Prehospital and Disaster Management [ Homepage / Evidence Search ]
Environmental Engineering Science [ Homepage ]
Journal of Hazardous Materials [ Homepage / Some Open Access ]
Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste [ Homepage ]
Health Security [ Homepage / Some Open Access Content ]
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism [ Homepage / Some Open Access Content ]
Journal of Terrorism Research [ Open Access ]
Emergency Services Times [ Homepage ]
Resilience Magazine [ Homepage ]
Why are journals so important, who they are aimed at, what they are for, how to get the best from them and why you would want to read them.
The journals described here are referred to as scholarly, academic or peer-reviewed journals. This reflects their origins in university departments, research centres, and scholarly or professional societies. The term Peer reviewed refers to the process by which articles are assessed before being published. Experts - peers or equals of the author - assess each article submitted for quality, accuracy and the contribution of the researcher to the topic. Poor quality articles are rejected. Articles that are accepted are usually revised by the authors in the light of comments made by expert reviewers.
Peer-reviewed journals and communities
Peer reviewed journals serve specific communities of practitioners or researchers. Communities are usually represented by professional societies. For example, Prehospital Emergency Care is the official journal of the (American) National Association of EMS Physicians. The European Journal of Emergency Medicine is the official journal of European Society for Emergency Medicine. The British Paramedic Journal is published on behalf of the College of Pramedics. Even if journals are not published on behalf of a particular organisation they are published for a specific audience. The Emergency Medicine Journal, published by the BMJ Group, "is aimed at doctors, nurses, paramedics and ambulance staff." Statements about the intended audience for a journal are always published on the journals web pages.
Channels of communication
Peer reviewed journals are the main channel of communication between researchers and the wider community. For the reader, peer reviewed journals are the source of good quality research and the place to find the most recent research as it is published. Anyone interested in a specific topic should regularly review the most recent issue of relevant peer reviewed journals.