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Search Filters for Prehospital Care, Paramedicine and Emergency Medical Dispatch

Search filters are pre-prepared searches on commonly used topics than enable effective and efficient searching by choosing the best keywords and thesaural terms for you.

Search Filter - Emergency Medical Dispatch

EBSCO -  Medline Complete

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(MH “emergency medical service communication systems”) OR (MH “emergency medical dispatcher”) OR (MH “emergency medical dispatch”) OR “medical dispatch*” OR TI (911 OR 999 OR "NHS 111" OR "NHS111" OR “telephone triage” OR EMD OR “ambulance dispatch*” OR “Medical Priority Dispatch System” OR MPDS)

OVID -  Medline Complete

  • Copy (Ctrl C) and Paste (Ctrl V) into OVID

emergency medical dispatcher/ OR emergency medical dispatch/ OR ("911 ADJ5 call*" OR "999 ADJ5 call*" OR "NHS 111" OR "NHS111" OR "telephone triage" OR EMD or "ambulance dispatch*" OR "Medical Priority Dispatch System" OR MPDS).ti

NICE Evidence Search - MEDLINE and CINAHL

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emergency medical service communication or emergency medical or emergency medical  or medical dispatch* or 911.ti or 999.ti or 111.ti or telephone triage.ti,ab or EMD.ti or ambulance dispatch*.ti,ab or Medical Priority Dispatch System.ti,ab or MPDS.ti,ab

NICE Evidence Search - EMBASE and EMCARE

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emergency medical service communication or emergency medical or emergency medical  or medical dispatch* or 911.ti or 999.ti or 111.ti or telephone triage.ti,ab or EMD.ti or ambulance dispatch*.ti,ab or Medical Priority Dispatch System.ti,ab or MPDS.ti,ab

NICE Evidence Search – PubMed

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emergency medical service communication systems/ or emergency medical dispatcher/ or emergency medical dispatch/ or medical dispatch* or 911.ti or 999.ti or 111.ti or telephone triage.ti,ab or EMD.ti or ambulance dispatch*.ti,ab or Medical Priority Dispatch System.ti,ab or MPDS.ti,ab

Updated 03 November 2020