These terms are taken from the Medical Subject Headings [MeSH] can be used to search in the Publication Type or .pt field.
Retracted Publication [MeSH]
“Work consisting of the designation of an article or book as retracted in whole or in part by an author(s). It identifies a citation previously published and now retracted through a formal issuance from the author or publisher.”
Retraction of Publication [MeSH]
“Work consisting of a statement issued by one or more authors of an article or a book, withdrawing or disavowing acknowledgment of their participation in performing research or writing the results of their study. In indexing, the retraction is sent to the editor of the publication in which the article appeared and is published under the rubric "retraction" or in the form of a letter.”
Retraction of Publication as a topic [MeSH]
“Authors' withdrawal or disavowal of their participation in performing research or writing the results of their study.”
MEDLINE Complete / EBSCO Host
These terms can be implemented using a simple search statement using the code for Publication Type - PT. For example:
PT retracted publication
or by selecting the Publication Type field from the pull down menu.
CINAHL Complete / EBSCO Host
The following terms can be searched as subject headings:
Retracted Publication [CINAHL]
"For identification of an article or part of an article cited in CINAHL as having been retracted."
This term can be implemented using a simple search statement using the code for Exact Major Subject Heading - MM. For example:
MM retracted publication
or by selecting the Exact Major Subject Heading field from the pull down menu.
PubMed uses a slightly different syntax. To search use [ ] to identify the Publication Type Field. For example:
retracted publication[pt]
Follow this link to see a sample search [ Retracted Publication ].