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Library & Knowledge Service for NHS Ambulance Services in England
Library and Knowledge Service for NHS Ambulance Services in England
Information Skills: Searching
Sources and search tools
Search this Guide
Information Skills: Searching
Tutorials, demonstrations and guides from LKS ASE
Information Skills: Searching
What is evidence?
Sources and search tools
Planning your search
Boolean AND OR NOT
Truncation and wildcards
In Field searching
Proximity operators
Using thesaural terms
Putting it all together - executing a search
Managing your search results
Managers and trainers
Sources and search tools
YouTube may be blocked on some NHS computers.
Paramedicine - summary of sources and search tools
Summary of sources and search tools for paramedicine
Sources and search tools - Transcript
Evidence based sources and search tools (Video 3) Transcript
EPRR - summary of sources and search tools
Summary of sources and search tools for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response
What is evidence?
Planning your search >>