This guide is aimed at students and researchers in paramedic practice. It summarises the key sources and types of information. If you have any comments or additions please contact
The most comprehensive source of statistics on the UK is the official statistics collected by the Office of National Statistics[ONS]. The ONS covers topics including the economy, population, and society at national, regional and local levels.
Government and its departments including the Department of Health publish statistics in the areas of healthcare, workforce, public health, and social care through the portal.
Health Care Statistics
The NHS Digitalprovides access to statistics on behalf of the NHS in the areas of commissioning, workforce, finance & performance, clinical, public health and social care.
Ambulance Statistics
Ambulance statistics are published for each country in the United Kingdom. These mainly relate to performance indicators and quality.
Search NHS Digital for Ambulance Related Statistics
Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) National Performance [of Ambulance Services in England]
Trauma Audit & Research Network provides a source of data on trauma and injury in the UK. Additional sources come from Think Tanks and Trusts who analyse and comment on the performance of healthcare organisations: in particular: